Kids and Traffic – A safety message for all parents
August 14, 2018Busways School Bus Safety Program Visits 5th October
The safety of school children in and around buses is a Busways priority and as part of this priority Busways offers the School Bus Safety Program for free to all schools in Busways areas from term 1 to term 3.
The School Bus Safety Program has been offered as a community service by Busways since 1989 and has a proud group of trainers that have a passion for children and a dedication to spreading the school bus safety message.
The Busways School Bus Safety Trainers travel to your school and provide a classroom tutorial (approximately 45 minutes) on school bus safety, running through some key points including:
- Waiting at bus stops.
- Getting on and off the bus at school and at bus stops.
- Safe behaviour whilst travelling on the bus.
- Student code of conduct.
- Using bus passes.
- Telling the bus driver about problems on the bus.
- Parent/carers responsibilities (waiting on the correct side of the road).
- Evacuation procedure in case of an emergency.
- The role of public transport in the community.
Most importantly the trainers, who are bus drivers also, are able to develop a rapport with the students and encourage positive behaviour at the bus stop and on the bus. Students are asked to participate in different activities and demonstrations either on board a bus (the same that are used to transport them to school) or within the school grounds where messages from the first part of the program are reinforced and demonstrated.
Busways rewards students at the end of the program with a Busways cardboard bus, a Busways activity book, a Busways library bag and a certificate to say they’ve completed the program.